Relationships with other people are essential in the Lord’s process of spiritual growth. About relationships, Scripture points out that “a cord of three strands is not easily broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12). We need one another!

We believe that every person should be connected to a healthy group of believers. This can happen through a Focus group, small group, ministry team, or informal relationships. CenterPoint Bible Church is dedicated to these relationships!

Sunday Morning Focus Groups

On Sunday mornings, we encourage everyone to connect with a Focus Group. Adult Focus groups are available during both hours, in MPR 2 and are focused on small-group teaching, discussion, and interaction.

Our Groups are led by Pastor Dean Kline (Shepherding Pastor) at 9:00 am and Pastor Brock Keppley and Pastor John Bittle (Shepherding Pastors) at 10:45 am.

Small Groups

CenterPoint hosts a variety of small groups such as the Seniors Luncheon and Men’s Breakfast. These groups meet at different times and different places, but each is dedicated to fostering a relationship with the Lord and one another. Opportunities to join a small group become available throughout the year and are announced in the Sunday Worship Services and can be found on the church calendar.

Ministry Teams

The relationships that are formed while serving together can be an important time of community as well. A great way to connect with other believers is through working together toward a common goal. When we invest in a ministry team such as the Prayer Ministry that meets on Wednesday nights or the Women’s Ministry, the Lord often responds with a life-changing relationship. See our church calendar to view when the Prayer Team meets and for the next Women’s Event.

Informal Relationships

Never underestimate the power of organic friendships. In reality, these types of relationships best reflect the environment where the “one anothers” of Scripture are experienced. While these “groups” may not be announced from the pulpit or in the worship notes, they are the heart of real community. So, reach out to someone and invite them to coffee!